Inner thigh workout for slimming your legs! | Πρόγραμμα προσαγωγών για πιο αδύνατα πόδια!


A less than 20 minutes quick thigh circuit witch targets your inner thigh! | Μία γρήγορη κυκλική προπόνηση που στοχεύει τους προσαγωγούς σε λογότερο από 20 λεπτά!

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1. Squat with alternating side leg lifts

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2. Sumo squats on you toes

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5. Inner thigh leg raises

Circuit(3X30 sec) | Κύκλος (3Χ30 δευτερόλεπτα)

  1. Squat with alternating side leg lifts
  2. Sumo squats on your toes
  3. Clamshell(one side)
  4. Inner thigh leg raises with knee over (one side)
  5. Inner thigh leg raises (one side)
  6. Outer thigh leg raises(one side)
  7. Leg abduction on your back
  8. Clamshell(other side)
  9. Inner thigh leg raises woth knee over (other side)
  10. Inner thigh leg raises (other side)
  11. Outer thigh leg raises other side (other side)
  12. Leg abduction on your back
  13. Rest if you need to | Ξεκουράσου αν το χρειάζεσαι
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6. Outer thigh leg raises

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4. Inner thigh leg raises with knee over

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7. Leg abduction on you back

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